Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dream: end of February 2019
I had a dream a couple weeks ago in which Donald Trump was coming into the locker room at halftime of a football game. He was the coach. In the dream he went to the whiteboard and drew a little map of Italy and indicated where Rome was and said we're going to bring the forces south of Rome along the river.

The point he was making was this;  he would replicate the tactics of a historical battle that took the enemy by surprise (probably took place during Roman times). In essence it was a clever strategic move. That's all the dream wanted to say, that this is halftime and Trump is making adjustments to his game plan and that he was going to go out with his team with the final push to win the game. So he had to make adjustments to his plans and this means the timetables as well.

So here we stand at a critical point where the next six months will lead to victory. The dream was merely indicating that all is well and that the plan will succeed in time. Peace to all